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Why are you thinking about obtaining a PhD degree? How will you fund this goal? How will you make it through your PhD program? What will you do when you graduate? All these questions have been answered from different perspectives below. The following list contains pros and cons to obtaining a doctoral degree, and a few answers to the questions listed above are satirical or downright bitter. It seems certain — that if you want to pursue this highest form of education, then you must love what you’re doing and consider your doctorate a piece of your life’s work. [click to continue…]

19 Doctorate Students Worth a Follow on Twitter

by admin on November 09, 2010

If you’re pursuing your PhD, you no doubt want to keep up with others who are on the same path; particularly if they have some great innovations going on. Twitter is a great tool for this, since you can quickly and easily find out what’s going on with other doctoral candidates. Here are 19 we think it’s worth your time to follow.

  1. Barb G: Barbara Gibson of London has a lot going on. She is a PhD student in intercultural communication and is also a social media coach, trainer and consultant.
  2. Anne Marie Cunningham: Anne Marie is a GP, Clinical Lecturer and an EdD student. She professes to be interested in “everything”.
  3. Chris Cuthbertson: Cris Cuthbertson lives in Melbourne, Australia and is a General surgery registrar as well as a PhD student. She also happens to be a mom of three. Not sure how this one has time to tweet, but she does.
  4. Michael Atlman: Michael Altman is a doctoral student at Emory University in Atlanta. He is a PhD candidate in American Religious Cultures with a focus on 19th century religion. He also blogs about religion.
  5. David Zenati-Parsons: David Zenati-Parsons is a former engineer who is now pursuing a PhD in media law. He lives in Wales, is a father of two and is also an aspiring fiction writer.
  6. Andrew Eglinton: Andrew Eglinton lives in London and is a PhD student in Documentary Theatre. He also runs the London Theatre Blog, a group authored blog that can keep you up to date on the London theatre scene.
  7. Science PhD: This science PhD student is studying wetland science and the carbon market. He is formerly a journalist. With his three interests combined, he should have lots of inspiration on helping our environment.
  8. Colin Segovis: Colin Segovis is a student at the Mayo Clinic in New York. He is an MD-PhD student in biology.
  9. Nathan Yau: Nathan Yau is pursuing a PhD in statistics.
  10. Cassillia: Cassillia is Austrian, but is studying for a PhD in Educational Technology in Canada.
  11. HRWiltse: This PhD student is studying at Indiana University studying informatics. She says she is also an aspiring philosopher and a foodie.
  12. Neha Nerula: Neha is a PhD student at MIT in Cambridge, MA. She is also a software engineer for Google whose expertise is in scaling web applications and platforms on the internet.
  13. Wolfgang Reinhardt: Wolfgang Reinhardt is a PhD student at the University of Paderborn in Germany. He is also the CEO of UMITS, a German company dedicated to solving the IT problems of its customers.
  14. Sophia Liu: Liu is a PhD student at the University of Colorado at Boulder. She is studying Technology, Media and Society. She is also interested in tribal dance.
  15. Luca Forcum: Luca Forcum is a PhD student at the University of Indiana at Bloomington. She is a writer, editor and marketing and PR freelance guru. She is studying consumer behavior.
  16. Rachel Sullivan: Rachel Sullivan just started her PhD program at the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee. She is studying English.
  17. Laura Paquini: Laura Pasquini is a PhD student in academia, located in Texas. She is interested in educational technology and student affairs.
  18. Andrea Tavchar: Andrea Tavchar is a professor at Humber University teaching Public Relations. She is also working on her PhD at the University of Toronto in youth literacy and social media.
  19. Jaclyn Selby: Jaclyn Selby is a PhD student at USC Annenberg. She is interested in global media and technology policy.

Of course, there are other interesting doctoral students out there that didn’t make the list. As you scope out Twitter, you’re sure to find others; perhaps some studying in the same field you’re in. Twitter is one of the best ways to connect, especially for people who are really busy. Tweets are short and to the point, yet able to convey a wealth of information. You’re sure to enjoy following these and other doctoral students as you work on your own PhD. And, don’t forget to tweet your own academic adventures. After all, you don’t know how many other doctoral candidates may be following you, too.